Evikontroll Gas

Suuremate objektide erinevate gaaside monitooring- ja kontrollsüsteem

Evikontroll GAS is a specially designed solution for monitoring gases in environments where dangerous gas concentrations and leaks can occur

The solution allows to connect gas detectors-transmitters, temperature&humidity and differential pressure transmitters, as well as I / O modules for control of ventilation, alarms and other processes on a facility.

It is also possible to connect signaling devices for audible and visible alarms.


color 7” touch screen
up to 60 gas detection channels
up to 10 humidity groups for ventilation control
up to 80 relays
5 alarms for each channel
RS485 Modbus RTU protocol for communication with building automation systems and related instruments
USB and SD-card ports for exporting system configuration settings and easy maintenance and settings recovery after updating

Configuration, operation and calibration can be done from one place on a 7” touch screen.

The easy-to-understand visualization for parameters, readings and events monitoring has 5 versions and is selected according to the user's preferences.

In the case of connecting the control unit via Ethernet cable, an embedded web server enables you to make configuration, operation and calibration as well as view data from anywhere in the world, using a laptop, a tablet or a phone with Internet access.

The solution has multilingual support, so the user is able to choose between English, Estonian, German and French.

Extensions and accessories

E26xx series
Gas detectors-transmitters

E22xx series
Humidity & temperature transmitters

E24xx series
Differential pressure transmitters

RS485 repeater

Relay output module

Analog input module

LED warning sign with horn

Sounder beacon

Lahendused erinevatele tööstusrakendustele

Pilvepõhine süsteem, mis võimaldab salvestada mõõteandmeid ning nendele kõikjalt ligipääseda

Suuremate objektide erinevate gaaside monitooring- ja kontrollsüsteem

Teravilja silode temperatuuri monitooringusüsteem

Puidukuivatite juhtimisesüsteem

Väiksemate objektide erinevate gaaside monitooring- ja kontrollsüsteem

Teravilja silode temperatuuri monitooringusüsteem