Evikontroll Timber

Puidukuivatite juhtimisesüsteem

Evikontroll Timber control system for timber drying kilns is designed for automatic monitoring of timber moisture, chamber relative humidity and ambient temperature throughout the whole drying process

The system consists of reliable and stable temperature and relative humidity transmitters, lumber moisture transmitters and specialized PID controllers for automatic or manual control of heating valves, ventilation dampers and condensation units.

The solution is expandable and suitable for new or renovable condensation and convective drying kilns. Wireless network option is also available in case cables cannot be installed inside the drying chambers. 

Web-based interface allows to remotely monitor the drying process and to control it from a computer, a tablet or a smartphone with Internet connection.


Unlimited amount of simultaneously working chambers
Unlimited amount of configurable drying programs
Remote control
Unlimited data recording
Wireless connection option
Reliable and stable transmitters
Modbus RTU communication protocol
Ventilation control
Condensation unit control

Equipment and accessories

Air humidity and temperature transmitters

Lumber moisture transmitters

Two-channel PID-controllers

Relay output module

Analog input module

Control cabinets

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Suuremate objektide erinevate gaaside monitooring- ja kontrollsüsteem

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Puidukuivatite juhtimisesüsteem

Väiksemate objektide erinevate gaaside monitooring- ja kontrollsüsteem

Teravilja silode temperatuuri monitooringusüsteem